Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Journal #7-Podcasting

Podcast- series of digital-media files which are distributed over the Internet using syndication feeds for playback on portable media players(iPod) and computers.

Podcasting- merely the publishing of a podcast
One user on classroom2.0 put it as: “publishing a podcast can be as simple as uploading the audio file ( mp3 is the standard) to the server, then creating a link to it”

Basically a podcast is an online pre-recorded program share via world wide web. It can be strictly audio(original podcast) or can contain video as well (video podcast).

Podcasting originally was designed for people to distribute their very own radio-style show, but educators also saw the value and started using it to distribute lessons. Podcasts allow teachers and students to share information without being at a physical location. For example, the entire class could take a tour of the Smithsonian Museum without leaving their chairs in the classroom. Another application could be allowing absent students to download any recorded lessons they may have missed. Have you ever watched a YouTube video? The chances are you have downloaded a podcast before and just didn’t realize that it was the result of another person podcasting. You can also integrate a podcast into other tools, such as a class blog to keep parents up to date. This way, when a parent asks their child what they learned today in school, the kid can tell them to get their lazy butt online to the class blog and learn it themselves.

1 comment:

TigheJaffe said...

I got to say that I was very tempted to pick Podcasting. Especially in light of the fact that I have a wiki that I set up for a project in another class and have at least three videos from YouTube on it!! Nice pick!!