Friday, April 18, 2008

Journal #9

Robots Rock at California High School
By Dian Schaffhauser

Mr. Lam’s robotics engineering class at Monte Vista High School in Monte Vista, CA is about electronics, circuitry, mechanics, programming, and most of all problem solving. His class is all about learning how to build robots, which Lam says inspires students to become engineers. The students are first introduced to theory, then shown each individual component that makes up the robot, and finally start building a small robot. Then if they can raise enough money, the students can compete in a national competition. National competitions can get pricey, with Lam’s class spending over $10,000 on parts and registration fees alone. Lam points out that few schools offer robotics classes, but encourages other schools to get involved.

How can you get a robotics class started at your school?
Lam suggests that you first write a curriculum, and he even has a sample of the one he uses for his class you can use as a guideline. After that you need to get the equipment, which he suggests getting in kit form. You can fund raise money to go to national competitions or you can keep it simple and hold local ones.

What applicable skills does a robotics class teach students?
Robotics will teach your students about technology, workplace safety, working as a team, and also how to communicate. Problem solving is another skill that will greatly help students further down the line in either school or life situations.

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