Friday, April 18, 2008

Journal #8

Spotlight: Free Science Resources Online
By Dave Nagel

Dave Nagel’s article goes over different free online resources that will blind your students with science! These resources include projects, multimedia, lesson plans, and other educational materials all designed to get your kids excited about the subject. Some of his suggestions include:

MIT OpenCourseWare: Free Education for All
• Designed for schools
• Contains lecture notes, syllabi, videos, audio clips, assignments, and assessments.
• Also known as Highlights for High School

NASA: Online Science
• Resources for both students and teachers
• Videos, animations, simulations, links, etc…
• Can sort resources by grade level

Smithsonian Institution: Standards-Aligned Science Resources
• All material is standards-aligned
• Material searchable by grade, subject, or even state standard

How can you incorporate these websites into your classroom?
One good lesson plan I found on Smithsonian was a means, medians, and modes activity. Student collect data and enter it into an excel worksheet. Then they will learn how to create a table. Once they have created a table, they will analyze the data and find the mean, median, and mode. This activity will not only teach them how to use excel, but will also incorporate math.

What grades are these website designed for?
The MIT website seems to be more targeted at post-secondary students, but could be used in some way for younger students. The other two websites have great material for all ages.

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