Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Journal #5

Storytelling in the Web 2.0 Era by Glen Bull

Mr. Bull wrote a very interesting article in which he gives a lot of great examples of how to apply and where to find web 2.0 media applications.

How could a teacher incorporate storytelling in a math setting?

One assignment I thought of is to have the students teach a section from the textbook and have them do it digitally. They could use different web 2.0 storytelling telling tools to create a lesson that would be played for the entire class and they would be encouraged to be as creative as possible. This would not only take the pressure off a live presentation in front of their classmates, it would also present math to their peers in a manner they understand.

How could a teacher incorporate a project of this magnitude while keeping pace to achieve standardized test results?

The project could be introduced at the beginning of the year and spend some time showing examples and giving different ideas. Then group the students making sure each group contains students of various math and computer skill levels. The lesson they teach could be a chapter review so they are teaching content that theoretically they already know. The majority of this project would have to be completed during study hall periods, lunch, free class time, and after school. This would be a difficult project to include in a math class, but if you could pull it off it would be a great learning experience for the students.

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