Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Journal #4

Five don’ts of Classroom Blogging by Julie Sturgeon

This article gave some very good advice for conducting a classroom blog. I would like to integrate some type of blog in my class, and I think by reading this article it should help streamline the process. Some of the comments made I don’t necessarily agree with, and I think that I will learn more about the do’s and don’ts of blogging by trial and error in my classroom.

How do you know if your students are mature enough for a free blog platform?

I like the idea of having students sign off on a code of conduct and sending a note home to parents, but this still doesn’t protect them having access to everyone else’s blog on the website. I think that the very first blog entry should be a free write and then you can see which students are going to be mature enough to handle blogging and which students you need to speak one on one.

What would Jeffery Heil say to Jeffery Yan’s comment about blogger.com?

I really don’t know, but I think the Jeffery’s should have a blog off to settle this, and I think Heil would kick the blog out of Yan. Yan makes a very good point, but teachers in a public school setting need to make use of free resources around them. With a very limited budget, I find it hard to believe that a school district would allocate monies to a math or science teacher to spend on an Internet blog.

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