Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Journal #3

Using Chat in the Multicultural Math Classroom by Janet Graham

This article discusses various methods of integrating chat rooms and discussion forums into a multicultural mathematical setting. It outlines how to construct effective web-based learning environments, as well as how the students and teacher stand to gain from using chat rooms and discussion forums. I was digging on this article because I want to become a cool mathematics teacher. Growing up I loved math, but by the time I had reached high school I had become turned off by math. I believe that this is because every math teacher I ever had was the biggest nerd in the school, which did not appeal to me. Math is so cut and dry, and that it needs to integrated with technology and taught in creative ways besides writing out problems on the marker board.

How can a teacher use chat rooms to encourage quiet/shy students to attempt to answer questions without being embarrassed?

I love the idea of using icons and names to differentiate the students’ cultures and characteristics, but this is also a way of identifying each other, which in turn could decrease the likely hood of 100% class participation. Instead, I would allow students to remain anonymous to each other until I have developed a community in which they feel comfortable enough to identify themselves and answer questions freely. This will allow all students to answer questions without the possibility of getting ridiculed for giving an incorrect answer,

How can a teacher use discussion forums before they teach any math?

One idea I thought of was to take the students to the computer lab the right at the beginning of the year and have them respond to different math equations and definitions. Then analyze each student’s response to gauge his or her understanding and alter chapter contact accordingly.

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