Friday, February 8, 2008

Journal 1/Intro Letter

Hello everyone. I am currently breaking my blogging cherry...and it doesnt hurt one bit.
I am Christian Ludwig. I grew up in Freeport, IL which is about two hours West of Chicago and ten minutes south of the Wisconsin border. I graduated from Freeport High School in 2001 and then went on to pursue higher education at Northern Illinois University. Earning my BS in Marketing in May 2005, I accepted a job selling industrial and construction supplies in beautiful San Bernardino (which I later found out is the armpit of California). Working my way up to General Manager, I then opened stores in Rancho Cucamonga and Ontario. After two and one half years of enjoying the Inland Empire's industrial market and heavy smog, I needed a serious change... I quit my job, moved to a small beach house just South of the Village in Carlsbad, decided to become a teacher, and have been much happier since.

I have been a PC guy my entire life, but just recently have been more involved with Mac, and I am completely sold. My next computer purchase will be an Apple product. I use a computer daily. Checking email, reading articles, surfing the Internet, or writing papers consumes the majority of my time on the computer. I manily use a PC with Windows XP, but have been using my girlfriends' Mac Book with the new Leopard operating system as well. On a scale of 1-10 of my computer geekiness, I would give myself a 5. I would like to become more tech savvy overall and especially with Apple computers. I am excited to be working my iMac's for EDUC422.

Cal State University- College of Education Mission Statement

The mission of the College of Education Community is to collaboratively transform public education by preparing thoughtful educators and advancing professional practices. We are committed to diversity, educational equity, and social justice, exemplified through reflective teaching, life-long learning, innovative research, and ongoing service. Our practices demonstrate a commitment to student centered education, diversity, collaboration, professionalism, and shared governance.

To be honest this statement was not a factor in coming to school here. I came to CSUSM because I heard it was a great school to earn a credential and it is close to my home. Upon getting into the college, I was very impressed with the student centered education and diversity. I believe that we as future educators need to be well educated and preparated for today's diverse and ever changing classroom. So far, I am very impressed with level of teacher involvement and commitement to the students here at Cal State San Marcos.


Anonymous said...

Christian- Your first paragraph is very similar to the experience other students have, including myself. Choosing to switch careers is a hard decision, especially if you were a GM. I admire everyone who picks happiness over income or other perks that may come with other jobs. The perk we will have is changing the lives of young people!

Anonymous said...

Christian wrote:

"I have been a PC guy my entire life, but just recently have been more involved with Mac, and I am completely sold. My next computer purchase will be an Apple product. I use a computer daily. "

I have to agree wholeheartedly. The large screen of the IMAC, the functionality, it sits before me and is slowly drawing me in. As I type this response to your blog Christian, I do so on my now seemingly insufficient PC laptop. Days ago, it seemed perfectly acceptable, now after working again with the IMAC, it seems like a Commodore 64 to me.

This whole class has been about embracing new technology to me, and learning how to utilize it in the classroom environment.

I keep imagining the amazement in my student eyes as they see the newest technology and quickly grasp it, run with it, and apply their own creative input into the system.

Patrick said...

Welcome to sunny So. California Christian. I'm sure the beach in Carlsbad beats Riverside by leaps and bounds. I too am hoping to sometime soon make a Mac purchase. I think that they are not only the more functional choice they are without a doubt much better looking than a PC. It's superficial but true and after staring at one for almost eight hours straight I am much less upset than I would have been had this computer been a DELL.

TigheJaffe said...

I thought the "blog cherry popping" comment was hillarious! I have had some experience with blogs, but not this in depth. It's interesting. Coincidentally, I used to live on a street named Freeport (here in S.D.) - lame, I know. We'll see you next week in 364 with Dan...woohoo!